Friday, 27 April 2007

Part Design Contd.....

The most basic work bench you will work on is PART DESIGN - allows you to create simple parts which can be assembled into an assembly at a later stage.

Now when you hit part design icon you will see you are provided with a 1.DEFAULT PLANE SYSTEM, XY, YZ, ZX
2. Local Axis system
3. 3D Compass
4. Partbody tree

.... SOORY been a bit busy

yup so first you will encounter these three important tools/manupulator/selectors you can call them what ever you like

So if you wanted to create a 3D model it starts with a basic 2D drawing that is usually confined to a single plane XY, YZ, ZX

Most of us try to work out a easier, quicker way to model a 3D object.... an efficient CATIA V5 Designer also does the same but thinking in a more systematic way and more flexible way to make more changes with less operation ..... trying to VISUALISE things before its taking shape is as important as to know the FUNCTIONALITY of a particular tool bar.

if you are running a CATIA V5 in a 32 Bit windows environment you can expect it to be a little buggy

Next Post is going to be about .... customizing your catia v5 work environment (work benches)

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Thanks !!

Well I would say this is a good start .....I have had 26 Visitors to my blog which i started 2 weeks back... I'm sure you r all hungry for information about catia, tips how to use the software, how to be a good designer and how to get past the certification exam. While i can contribute significantly but I would have need user interaction in my blog... ASK ME WHAT U WANT I'll try my level best to give you the info that you need....

For Visitor's from United States if you are after a career in Design
(Mechanical/Automotive/Aerospace) and if you are into CATIA V5 you can apply for jobs in AEROTEK Just google "AEROTEK CATIA V5" you might get your dream job

For Visitors from India and if you are close to PUNE and if you are happy to spend arnd Rs 50000 (approx $1000(US)) There is a fantastic course available in CATIA and UNIGRAPHICS NX at SAE which would be a springboard to push you to the next level

For Visitors for UK & Europe (Germany I believe), there is lots of opportunities in CATIA V5 Designer position for most of the European CAR makers like AUDI, Chyrsler Corp, Fiat, RENAULT, BMW you could use to search for jobs or else try this website
you might find lots of jobs close to your home !!

And Finally to my fellow visitors from here (Mel & Syd) there is currently a high demand i would say Boeing took 38 Grads (I wasnt successful in that !! bad luck) but looks like there are going to take some more grads.. there is this AWD (Australia Warfare Destroyer project) that is going to shape up in may be end of this year with a massive recruitments in ship building (Adeliade). You could use CONCENTRIC Asia Pacific to get trained in CATIA V5R17.... if you need any help you could post a blog I may be able to provide you with some contact details there !!!

So untill then tc cya

Monday, 23 April 2007

Part Design Basic Tips


When u select a line or an edge and if u want to trace the line using a point propagation then u use AUTOSEARCH you can either right click the line/edge/entity or u can choose it from the drop down list of EDIT

Sunday, 22 April 2007

I Cant believe this !!

Check this out ! My Blogspot was crawled by Google and it has ranked it! within a matter of 4 days !

Questions answered!!

1.What are the maximum number of ways one can freeze/defreeze the product view in any workbench?

3 Ways

1. By selecting local axis system
2. Shift +F3
3. By Selecting the tree

2. Can you hide/show a specific feature in a part body?

NO, but we can hide/show a part body in a assembly

3.When u do draft (solid draft), what is a neutral plane ? is it the plane that from which the draft is created ? or is it the reference plane?

Neutral Plane is the reference plane (When u preview a draft command u will be able to see) from which the draft starts